300, the movie, for all its visual magnificence is proved to be very timely in view of world politics. The cause for conflict remains as the values of democratic freedom is pitted against the values of divine monarchial rule, thereby rendering the sacrificial but overly heroic triumph of King Leonidas as the very symbol of a very Eurocentric rationalism. East and West shall never twain meet, ever. And morals come down with politics itself.
2) Ikea
Ikea being the mecca of smart-shopping and designing saviness – does it really come with the lifestyle of being producers of less refined but over-valued junk which kinda validate our further junkiness? Yet we all clamor for it to be brought to these shores or instead wait out for exhibit propositions that will deliver us to these pearly warehouse gates of Nordic DIY-hood.
3) Love
Yes, love - it cracks with much pressure yet we cringe at the thought of losing it. It's either over rated and under rated. What's this has got to with anything really? A LOT!!! It directs courses and destinies and choices and obsessions and crimes and ......yet we're lost most of the time when we heed it.
4) That somewhat Euro-feeling in a land that's "truly asia"
“so what is the image of Europe? Europe is not undesirable homogeneity. Rather, Europe is persistent diversity. Instead of national identity usurped by Euro-bureaucracy, the ‘European’ is an extended identity, one that does not replace but simply strengthens. Europe is a state of mind that cannot be contained by traditional boundaries.”
- AMO/OMA led by Rem Koolhaas on the future of the EU
So what does this say of the relevance still of our being Asian? Can we then be still deemed as unique, exotic, truly one of a kind?
This is still a clear sign of Pan-Asian invasion reminiscent of empire building but translated into a utopian “global democratic cooperation” which will render national identities obsolete.
Although, the question remains if the Philippines would be readily absorbed by this idea or even be convinced into buying into it while in the stranglehold of US foreign policy.
I have quite gleaned some of such clues in this land called “truly asia”, yet these may all be reinforced vestiges of its colonial past.
- jaguars, bmws, and volvos - all right hand-drive vehicles
- obsession with efficiency
- cobble-stoned roads and turn-abouts
- accents
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